As we headed towards Pinedale, WY, we learned that Doug would not be meeting us until Friday afternoon, instead of Thursday. For us, this meant we did not need to drive straight through the night, so after a few hours on the road, we pulled over and slept in a rest area.
Thursday, we finished off the driving, with a stop along the way to check out Craters of the Moon National Monument and then Dinner at Snakebite Roadhouse. We found a sweet free dispersed camping area on National Forest Land to spend the night.

Friday morning, we drove into Pinedale to pick up some bear canisters and get info from the rangers. We cleaned out the car and did a gear sort in the parking lot.
We picked up some other supplies, ate lunch, and Doug arrived thanks to Seth and Max. We all headed to a local crag, Lizard Rocks, to get some climbing in.
Don’t expect to hear from us for about a week or so (next Sunday 8/3?) Off to the Wind River Range we go!